Review: The Maze of Bones!

At A Glance
Genre: Young Adult; Mystery
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: nope.
Cliff Hanger: Kinda.
Rating: 3 Stars
Score Sheet
All out of ten
Cover: 6
Plot: 5
Characters: 6
World Building: 5
Flow: 6
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 4
Ending: 6
Total: 6
In Depth
Best Part: Mysteryyyyy!
Worst Part: Copy cats everywhere.
Overall Feels Felt: Poor old lady!; I'd take the money!
Continuing the Series: maybe
Recommending: For younger children yes
Short Review: Well this is pretty much National Treasure meets Amazing Race but with a 12yr old instead. You can really tell this is written for younger children. I dislike the MC, whiny pre-teen. The plot was straight up stolen from National Treasure. Ugh.
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