Review: The Wrong Side of Right!

The Wrong Side of Right - Jenn Marie Thorne

At A Glance

Young Adult; Contemporary
Love Triangle/Insta Love?: Little bit of insta love.
Cliff Hanger: Nope.
Rating: 4 Stars.

Score Sheet
All out of 10

Plot: 10
Characters: 8
World Building: 7
Flow: 8
Series Congruity: n/a
Writing: 8

Total: 8

In Depth

Best Part:
The ending was very well written and it made my day!
Worst Part: Boys are dumb, nuff said.
Overall Feels Felt: Aw; Dumb boys!; Super Cute!!


Continuing the Series:
Recommending: YES!

Short Review: I picked this one up solely based on the pretty cover :) The plot was a nice breathe of fresh air from all the other books i've been reading recently. The story flowed really well. I enjoyed the character developments. I wish the boy in this story wasn't a douche but you know, boys. The ending was so cute and i loved it. Overall, a great book :)

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