June and Day: A Love/Hate Relationship

Legend  - Marie Lu

I loved this book.


I read through it quickly and wanted more!


June is a great developing character. She's smarter than 15, but want's to act like she's 15 and no one seems to get that. Her relationship with her brother just melts your heart. June has to learn between what's right and what's morally correct. She is presented with conflicts well above her age, and she makes mistakes and learns.


Day is a robin hood style character. He just want's things to even out. He has to hide from his family in order for them to have a better life. He is well beyond his age. He understands the struggles and rises to conquer them.


I really like the concept of this book and how it plays out. I enjoy reading any and all distopia novel. The different ways the world can go is intriguing.